About US Resettlement


USRAP Handbook
Information about the United States Refugee Admissions Program in Malaysia

USRAP Handbook (Burmese)
Information about the United States Refugee Admissions Program in Malaysia (Burmese language)

USRAP Handbook (Lai)
Information about the United States Refugee Admissions Program in Malaysia (Lai language)

Confidentiatility and Safety
The RSC is a safe space. Information you share with us will be kept confidential. Read more here in Burmese and Lai.

Welcome Corp
P4 – A newly introduced sponsorship program empowering everyday Americans to welcome refugees to the United States.


Refugees from Burma in the United States (English/Burmese)
This video features interviews with refugees from Burma, talking about their challenges and accomplishments during the resettlement process. (Burmese with English subtitles)

Welcome to the United States (English version)
Meet newly arrived refugees from a variety of nationalities as they adjust to life in America. (English language)

Welcome to the United States (Burmese version)
Meet newly arrived refugees from a variety of nationalities as they adjust to life in America. (Burmese language)